Thứ Năm, 12 tháng 7, 2012

The Young Crowds Who Watch Korean Dramas

By Kelli Evans

Many have wondered why thousands of people sit in front of their television sets to watch Korean dramas. If these shows can captivate so much of the public, then there must be something very special about it. Ever since Korea entered the world entertainment industry, their dramas have gotten so much fame. South Korea was extremely smart in their approach to spread their name across the globe.

Now one can see that there is actually nothing special with this brand of series, but people still get hooked. The best part is, not only women watch them, but men enjoy watching them as well. That is how big of an impact these shows cause.

So firstly, observe the storyline. The plot is not really something that is unique or even believable. However, one may notice that somehow the plot is very engaging. It presents the plot to the viewer in such a way that the viewer wants the same thing to happen to him.

Of course characters play a very important role in any series. What the Koreans did is that they made each of the people in the story different. Not only their personality but their appearance as well. Also, they use their music artists as casts because of the wide popularity their K-pop bands have gained worldwide.

Yet another factor is the setting of the shows. They feature the most wonderful and beautiful sights in Korea which makes the country appear to be a fairytale land. This subconsciously entices the audience to look at it more.

Notice also that they make use of one of the most haunting movie making techniques ever, the cliffhanger. When the story reaches a twist or the climax and then they end the episode. This makes people keep on wanting to come back for more. With all these elements used, it is no wonder why people love to watch korean dramas.

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