I have been a barbeque grill aficionado for a number of years. Outdoor cooking is a favorite past time and I am grilling every chance I get. Throughout the years I have learned the proper technique of using instruments made specifically for the outdoor cook.
Gas and charcoal units are not something to think of lightly. If a person is not careful in how they handle themselves serious injury could occur. Burns are a common occurrence among cookers and they can easily be avoided.
Tools, like those you use in the kitchen, are especially made for outdoor cooking. Each implement will be constructed with an extra long handle so that only the device is feeling the heat from the grate and not your arm. If you are new to outdoor cooking there are some basic tools that you should have.
A spatula is a tool the is being used constantly in the home and you will find that follows for outdoor cooking. The difference will be the long handle and the over sized metal blade. It is over sized to allow you to easily flip the largest and heaviest pieces of meat.
Whoever invented tongs must be a millionaire by now. No one should be allowed to cook without them. Small items that are more difficult to flip are easily turned with a pair of tongs. Hot dogs and sausage are two that come to mind because of their shape.
You can afford yourself no better protection than wearing a good pair of insulated gloves. So many injuries could have been avoided if only the cook had donned a pair of gloves. They are really handy when using the scraper to clean the unit. Even when it is off, there is enough heat generated to cause a flame to flash through the grate but cleaning the unit when it is hot is the best time to do it.
Gas and charcoal units are not something to think of lightly. If a person is not careful in how they handle themselves serious injury could occur. Burns are a common occurrence among cookers and they can easily be avoided.
Tools, like those you use in the kitchen, are especially made for outdoor cooking. Each implement will be constructed with an extra long handle so that only the device is feeling the heat from the grate and not your arm. If you are new to outdoor cooking there are some basic tools that you should have.
A spatula is a tool the is being used constantly in the home and you will find that follows for outdoor cooking. The difference will be the long handle and the over sized metal blade. It is over sized to allow you to easily flip the largest and heaviest pieces of meat.
Whoever invented tongs must be a millionaire by now. No one should be allowed to cook without them. Small items that are more difficult to flip are easily turned with a pair of tongs. Hot dogs and sausage are two that come to mind because of their shape.
You can afford yourself no better protection than wearing a good pair of insulated gloves. So many injuries could have been avoided if only the cook had donned a pair of gloves. They are really handy when using the scraper to clean the unit. Even when it is off, there is enough heat generated to cause a flame to flash through the grate but cleaning the unit when it is hot is the best time to do it.
About the Author:
Find a summary of the benefits of owning a barbecue grill and view our selection of BBQ grilling accessories at http://skilletsandmore.com/Grills.aspx now.
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